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Am I a Good Candidate for a Neograft Hair Transplant?

Hair loss may be unwelcome, but it’s hardly uncommon. Studies indicate that more than 50 million men in the US suffer from male pattern hair loss, while the female equivalent affects some 30 million women.

If you belong to either of these numbers, take heart. There are safe, proven solutions that can restore a healthy head of hair and rejuvenate your self-confidence. One of the most popular options is the Neograft hair transplant.

Is Neograft right for you? The best way to find out is by scheduling a consultation with a local hair loss provider, like Renu. There, you’ll find out whether you’re qualified for a safe, successful procedure. In the meantime, learn a little bit more about how Neograft works, and who it’s intended to help.

Neograft Explained

While hair transplants are nothing new, Neograft is revolutionary for its minimally invasive approach.

Neograft uses follicular unit extraction (FUE) technology, which means it individually transplants follicles one at a time. Your doctor will carefully select the healthiest follicles from the areas where you’re currently experiencing dense hair growth, then expertly place them in the transplant area without the need for major incisions or scalpel work.

Patients who get Neograft typically enjoy full, healthy-looking heads of hair in as little as six to 18 months. There is very little post-procedure recovery time, and the results can potentially last a lifetime.

Who’s Eligible for Neograft?

Genetic hair loss affects men and women alike, and often begins in the twenties or thirties. Luckily, Neograft can be a great option for a wide range of candidates. This includes people losing their hair for any number of reasons, such as:

  • Genetic conditions, like androgenetic alopecia
  • Stress
  • Hormonal fluctuations, including menopause and andropause
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Eating disorders
  • Side effects of prescription medications or other underlying medical conditions

Keep in mind that the FUE hair transplant method does not create new follicles, but rather moves healthy follicles to areas where they are needed most. As such, eligibility requires you to have significant hair loss but also to have some remaining, healthy hair growth.

The very best candidates:

  • Have hair loss at the front or along the top of the head, but still have plenty of healthy hair growing in the back.
  • Are in good health overall, without any significant underlying concerns.
  • Do not smoke.
  • Have realistic expectations about their treatment, aftercare, and results.

Again, the best way to determine your eligibility for Neograft is to schedule a consultation with a professional hair loss studio, like Renu.

Contact Renu to Discuss Neograft Hair Transplants

At Renu, we have a proven track record helping men and women recover their hair and regain their self-confidence, all through advanced treatments like Neograft. We’d love to tell you more about how the procedure works, and to help you determine whether a hair transplant is right for you. Whenever you’re ready to learn more about Neograft, reach out to the Renu team directly.

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